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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI Transformations

Organizations are beginning to look to AI and cognitive technologies beyond discrete processes within their core systems, as revenue generating applications rather than simply cost-savings initiatives.  


More than using bots or Machine Learning algorithms, some of our clients are providing proprietary, off-the-shelf and bespoke AI solutions to their clients based on a comprehensive approach, which not only includes intelligent technologies and algorithms, but takes into account personal and cultural factors as well.


We’re partnering with Transformation, Consulting and Professional Services Firms, System Integrators, Software Vendors, Banks and Financial Services Entities, and other organizations to find, at scale, skilled and accredited talent to develop and implement AI Transformation projects.  


We recruit development, delivery and implementation professionals (including, Project Managers, Solution Architects, Project Consultants, Developers (Front-end, Back-end and Fullstack), Quantitative Engineers, Analysts and Modelers),  and other talent, globally. 

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